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High-Rise Shelving
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Phone: (770) 475-9909

High Rise Shelving is a high density type of Carton Storage System that offers immediate access to every carton stored in very narrow aisles. Order pickers are normally guided down aisles with floor angle guidance to protect the rack from lift truck damage or a wire guidance system can be installed in the floor. Shelf elevations are easily adjustable to accommodate any carton size. A wide range of sizes, gauges and accessories are available to solution your requirements.

Accessories Illustrated

Solid End Panels Installed on the ends for stability and to completely separate one bay from another.
Solid Back Panels Installed on the backs for stability and to completely separate one bay from another.
Side Sway Braces Installed on the front and rear posts for stability.
Footplates Installed on posts for securing footplates to the floor.
Fixed/Wrap Around Entry Guides Structural angle secured to the floor that wraps around the row end and allows easy entrance into the aisles.
Spring Loaded Entry Guides Installed on the row ends to allow easy entrance into the narrow aisle.
Floor Angle Guidance Installed in order to contain and guide the order picker down the aisles and protect the rack from damage.

Accessories Not Illustrated

Back Sway Braces Installed on the rear posts for stability.
Base Strips Installed to close the gap between the floor and the bottom shelf.
Dividers Installed on shelves from one level to another to subdivide storage areas on a shelf.
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